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We teach transparent, non-persuasive, and non-manipulative selling strategies and methods that may help your best sales performers sell much more effectively.
We offer transformational sales training inspired by the concepts and principles taught by Carl Ingalls, the leader of High Probability Selling, a transparent, non-persuasive, non-manipulative selling method originally introduced in the book, "High Probability Selling", by Jacques Werth.
We value trust, respect, and mutual commitments.
We want to find and invest our selling time with only those prospects who want what we are selling and are ready, willing, and able to buy it now.
With the High Probability Selling method:
Improve team performance! Julius Team Building offers transparent sales training in Jacksonville.
Julius's sales coaching and sales team development programs will offer your team a new, more effective way of selling that is non-manipulative and non-persuasive. This method, called “High Probability Selling,” allows sales professionals to focus their selling time on prospects who are highly likely to buy.
High Probability Selling takes salespeople off their knees and puts them back on their feet, with dignity, where they belong. The sales training focuses on the specific skills needed to take a revolutionary new approach to selling.
The basic tenets of this non-persuasive and non-manipulative selling philosophy are best understood when viewed in comparison to traditional selling methods:
- Instead of getting the prospect to buy, the objective is to determine whether there is a mutually acceptable basis for doing business.
- Instead of saying anything to get your foot in the door, the first step is to honestly, dearly and concisely convey your offer and give prospects a choice, without convincing them of anything.
- We make calls to identify "high probability prospects" so that no one's time or energy is wasted.
- We only set appointments and create "proposals" when the prospect has made a commitment to buy if we meet their criteria.
- The first step at a sales meeting is to determine whether or not you trust and respect the prospect, and getting to know what makes him tick.
High Probability Selling: A respectful, trust-based sales approach for Jacksonville businesses.
When organizing your sales workday, we recommend that you always work on "high percentage" tasks and projects. These are activities that have the highest likelihood of producing revenue; they are actions that are the “closest to the money”.
In order of priority, the high percentage basics are closing sales, following up sales in progress, conducting sales appointments, and prospecting.
For most sales professionals, the sales process starts with prospecting.
Boost sales in Jacksonville: Julius Team Building focuses on high-percentage selling activities.
In our sales team development and sales training workshops, we show salespeople how to:
- Reach their target market through effective telephone prospecting
- Determine whether or not they have a qualified prospect
- Make appointments with prospects that are ready willing and able to buy now
- Develop relationships based on mutual trust and respect
- Get commitments to do business if mutual conditions are met
- Let the buyer close the sale through a process of meeting each other's requirements or conditions of satisfaction
We will help you develop your sales leadership team and equip them with the sales coaching skills to make an environment where sales professionals can work most effectively.
Master the fundamentals of sales: Julius Team Building provides sales training in Jacksonville, FL.
We incorporate follow up training into our sales training and sales team development programs because without it, sales training is a waste of time, money and effort.
Your company may waste their money pouring resources into sales training without implementing a follow-up sales training and sales coaching reinforcement program.
Ensure sales training success: Julius Team Building emphasizes follow-up coaching in Jacksonville.
Everyone knows that when salespeople participate in sales training, they must motivate themselves and become self-engaged. However, through effective sales coaching, leadership must make every sales team member feel that the leaders trust, respect, and value them as individuals.
The best sales leaders ensure that everyone feels included through open communication to maximize sales team development.
When a salesperson is engaged, they bring their whole heart, spirit, mind, and body to their work.
Salary, commissions, bonuses, benefits, and company perks may help with recruiting and retention, but these things alone don't motivate salespeople to give their very best efforts.
Trust, respect, open and constant communication are the beginning of any relationship and the key to increasing engagement.
Boost sales team engagement and morale: Julius Team Building fosters trust and communication.
Will your salespeople get better at selling with our sales coaching?
The best salespeople in your company will gain the most from our sales training because we will reinforce and enhance their constructive habits, their successful attitudes, and their positive behaviors.
Salespeople who already excel at their job will receive the most positive impact from additional sales training.
Poor performers may not benefit or may benefit very little because they usually do not have the necessary talents, skills, habits, knowledge, or attitude.
Will your company get their money's worth when they invest in our sales team development programs?
Yes. We will only work with people with whom we have developed a relationship based on trust, respect and honoring mutual commitments.
We only do business with people who want what we have and whose conditions of satisfaction we can meet.
Invest in your team's future: Julius Team Building's Jacksonville sales training delivers results.
We promise you will have no worries, you will feel relaxed and look great when working with us! Call or text Julius at (904) 955-4022 to schedule a free consultation.
Schedule your free sales training consultation with Julius Team Building\. Call (904) 955-4022.
Boost team performance and engagement with customized events, workshops,
and motivational speaking.
Contact us today!